Amanda Hearst Rønning

Amanda Hearst Rønning


Amanda Hearst Rønning

Charms for Change

How did you come up with the idea for this charm? 

From the moment this project started, I knew that I wanted to make an ocean charm. The ocean is fundamentally what we are trying to protect at WELL/BEINGS, so it is very much our daily inspiration. I added the sun because you can interpret that as a rising or setting sun, both very beautiful moments that can be felt by everyone around the world.

Tell us about WELL/BEINGS ?

I started WELL/BEINGS because, as an animal-lover, I wanted to create an organisation that protected animals as well as the environment in which they live. So we see animal welfare as a conservation issue and vice versa; because everything is interconnected, animals, people and the planet, and should be treated as such.

What inspires you?

The ocean, Norway, travel, learning new languages.

Home is… ?

Wherever my husband and child are! We travel a lot, but wherever we may be if we're together this feels like home.

Best piece of advice?

"Start with what makes you cry." That's what someone told me when I was trying to figure out what to do in the world of philanthropy. There are so many issues and so many things we want to do to help. But when I was just beginning, those words really helped me hone in on what I truly was passionate about (animal welfare).

Most treasured object?

I have a watch from my grandmother that I love. It doesn't fit me because she had the tiniest wrists. But it so delicate and for me just embodies her strong femininity - the perfect reminder of who she was when she was alive.

Tell us a secret?

I'm moving to London!

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